What is SWE Magazine?
SWE Magazine is the Award-Wining publication of The Society of Women Engineers. SWE delivers vital, award-winning content that provides insight, analysis, and solutions to workplace issues and current events affecting women in the engineering and STEM communities. Check out the magazine archives here.
Additional topics include: Achievements and accomplishments of technical women, professional development, outreach to youth, Society activities and news, technical themes and current events relevant to the STEM community.
How often is the magazine published?
SWE Magazine is published five times annually. The fall and conference issues are printed and distributed to all members while the winter, spring and research issues are published in digital format online and available in print for a small fee.
What is a “print on-demand” version?
Print on-demand for the Winter and Spring issues are available for purchase through Amazon and in the SWE Store. The digital version is available online with no charge to access.
Who reads SWE Magazine?
SWE Magazine is distributed to our more than 45,000 members plus stakeholders worldwide. One of the highest rated member benefits, SWE Magazine provides insight and relatable content our members look forward to.
The digital version reaches a growing online audience of 3K+ users monthly. SWE’s overall membership is 51 percent Professional to 49 percent Collegiate.
Clicks and impression reports are available for digital version.
What are the benefits of advertising?
The current job market is 90 percent candidate driven. That means companies don’t pick talent anymore. Talent picks you. Recruitment advertising is an excellent strategy to proactively and continually attract talented individuals to your organization. Strengthen your brand and reputation by advertising through SWE.
If I buy an ad in the print magazine do I also get the digital version?
Print and digital pricing is separate. It is cost effective to purchase both print and digital ads.
What awards has the magazine won?
SWE Magazine has a long tradition of producing award-winning material, having amassed more than 75 publishing honors since 1998. Recent awards included the FOLIO: Awards for “stunning design and uncompromising journalism” in the magazine industry, as well as APEX Grand Awards and Awards of Publishing Excellence.
APEX Awards – Grand Award Judge’s comments (SWE 2018 Research Issue): “Here’s a fabulous collection of articles all addressing engineering design and research. Beginning with a riveting front cover, the issue addresses 5 important current topics and does so through numerous interviews, case studies, data analysis and historical perspectives. The topics selected are cutting-edge and presented in great detail featuring eminent professionals who speak about their profession with intense passion. The reader feels that passion coming through the pages.
How many job postings are included with an advertisement purchase?
When purchasing a magazine ad, you receive four (4) 30-day job postings with a full page ad, two (2) 30-day job postings with a 1/3 or 1/2 page ad and one (1) 30-day job posting with a 1/4 page ad.
Additional Information
Published rates are 15% commission-able to recognized agencies unless otherwise noted. Payment terms are net 30 days. Publisher reserves the right to suspend agency commission for past due invoices. All invoices over 30 days late will be assessed a finance charge at 1.75% monthly. Canceled orders must be received in writing by the space deadline.